


The ZODIAC Project came about because I wanted to create a new graphic design style that could be used over several pieces. After brainstorming for months, the 12 astrological zodiac signs came to mind so, I made my decision and set out to define a new style utilizing the astrological signs.

After several tries at a couple symbols, I came up with these final pieces. First done in pen & ink on 9×12 drawing paper, then pen & ink on 18×24 drawing paper.

Combining the two versions, I recreated them in Adobe Illustrator as pure vector art: as one piece, not layered.

MAX! is a pet finder application for mobile phones and tablets only. It is designed for both Android and IOS platforms.
I created all aspects of this project utilizing Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Adobe XD.
Below is a working prototype that can be clicked through as if it were the real thing.




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